Clean Energy Task Force

The charge of the new Task Force is to ensure that Madison Park Technical Vocational High School serves as one of the city’s most important centers for worker preparation for clean energy careers in the Boston region. To accomplish that goal, it will:

Analyze labor market information and related data to identify the most important well-paying, high demand clean energy jobs available now or in the future in the region, as well as the associated skills and credentials that will be needed to fill those jobs.

Crosswalk its findings against the current curriculum and instruction offered in all relevant programs at Madison Park, to decide whether there are gaps here, and determine the best ways to fill those gaps.

Prepare a report about those findings, with recommendations about any new programs, curriculum and instruction, equipment, and faculty training needed to ensure that Madison Park is able to prepare students, both high school students and adults, to access those jobs.

Circulate its report to all stakeholders, esp. leaders of Madison Park Technical Vocational High School, Boston Public Schools, the City of Boston, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to encourage all stakeholders to take needed action to fill any gaps.

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Fostering Economic Opportunity for Black and Latinx Students at the Madison Park Technical Vocational High School